Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Here's a funny story that happened to me this weekend.
You, guys, all know that we are going back to Ukraine on July 5-th. I bought deeply discounted tickets online. At the time I purchased the tickets I called Delta to make sure Kirill is included in the tickets, although he is not going to fly in separate seat (this is called "infant in the lap"). So, anyways, Delta employee collected all information about K.D. (name, DOB, etc.) and said that we are all set and I just need to stop by any Delta kiosk and pay for infant ticket (I still can not get what we are paying for 10% of the regular ticket price).
This friday I visited Washington, DC for Muskie Commencement conference. I stopped by Delta kiosk in the DCA airport. The lady was kinda surprised with my question. She called international department and after some 20 minutes of me talking to her and her repeating everything I say to international dept rep (remember "broken phone" game?), she printed me a ticket. $479.67. Wait a minute! This price implies that the full price of the ticket is close to $5000. There's no way the ticket can be that expensive! I repeated all the code words back to her: "infant in the lap", "no seat", "discounted ticket for $700" and so on. Nope! She said that everything's correct and that's the pice of K.D. going home with us. Well, what could I do? I paid the full amount with the credit card and decided that i will call Delta later and have them explain to me why the ticket that I bought a month ago for $700 is now close to $5000.
The next day, in the hotel, I decided to look closely to my tickets to see if there's any clue to why it is so expensive. My and Anastasia's tickets are New York-Paris-Kiev and Kirill's ticket is round-trip: New York-Paris-New York!! I wonder, in whose lap is he flying back to New York? :)
I certainly went back to the same Delta counter on Monday on my way back home. It took me another 20 minutes to explain, why I am unhappy with my tickets. Finally, I got $270 refunded back to my credit card and new ticket for K.D. This time to Kiev. I decided not to start all over again because of misspeled name: KIRILL/PEREPOLKINA :)

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